
The rain-starved plains of this region located in central Tural makes for a striking contrast with the verdant surrounds of its largest lake. The discovery of ceruleum deposits in recent years has brought sweeping change to the area, including the construction of a railroad, even as local peoples maintain their cultural traditions.

Elite Hunt Mark Spawn Locations Heat Map

SS RankSS MinionsS Rank A RankA RankB RankB Rank
Arch Aethereater
Crystal Incarnation
Nopalitender Fabuloso
mapbackground shaaloani SS Rank SB Rank> S Rank A Rank A Rank B Rank B Rank All Locations

Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
Immediately after successfully killing all 4 minions that spawn after killing the zones S rank. After killing the S rank in the zone, mobs called Crystal Incarnations spawn at various predetermined locations marked above with the black FFXIV circles. Find all 4 of them and kill them before they de-spawn without losing aggro.
Sacks of Nuts Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics Tomestones of Heliometry Cracked Novacluster Cracked Prismaticlusters
400 200 100 50 1 1
SS Rank

Arch Aethereater
Arch Aethereater

  Do you know the Maw of Sansheya? It's a collection of springs that marks the border between the grasslands and the wilds. The water's undrinkable – not only because it's rich in ceruleum, but because that ceruleum's always on fire, ignited by the harsh light of the desert sun. It was named by the Tonawawta who make their home nearby. According to an old legend passed down among them, Sansheya is a beast of blue flame that sleeps in the earth below, awakening when its minions cast themselves into its maw. You might think it naught but a fable – a cautionary tale to warn people away from the burning pits. Indeed, many did – till a beast of blue flame matching the description in the legend was sighted in the area. The name "Sansheya" means "the reincarnated" in the Tonawawtan tongue. They know it as a vengeful spirit, who drinks in all the pain and suffering of the animals who slip into the pits and lose their lives to the flames, only to rise again to regurgitate it across the land. Whether you believe that or not is up to you. All I'll say is: if you do a lot of hunting in ceruleum country, don't be surprised if it should stoke a certain, cerulean flame.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
After Previous Kill: 84-132 hours
After maintenance: 50-80 hours
Complete the You Are What You Drink FATE.
Sacks of Nuts Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics Tomestones of Heliometry Cracked Novacluster Cracked Prismaticlusters
100 100 80 30 1 1
S Rank


  If you keep traveling north of here, you'll come to a mountain range where the air is thick with noxious fumes. That's the hunting ground of the Keheniheyamewi: the "mouth that breathes poison." In case you hadn't guessed, it's this poison that makes it so dangerous. The miasma it brews up in its belly plays on the nerves, you see. Makes you lose all sense of direction, and wander right into that same, putrid maw. If the danger it poses to any folk foolish enough to stray into its territory wasn't enough reason to see it slain, just think of its effect on the environment.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
4 to 6 hours Auto spawn after certain time after being killed.
Sacks of Nuts Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics Tomestones of Heliometry Cracked Novacluster Cracked Prismaticlusters
40 30 20 10 Chance of 1 Chance of 1
A Rank


  It's a Shetona name, combining the words for ȫlue", "wings", and Ȯxtinction". I expect you're wondering about the Ȯxtinction" part. That's down to it being an extremely picky eater. Once it gets a taste for a certain animal it'll feed on nothing else, till their numbers are so reduced that it's forced to find some other, unfortunate creature to prey on. We need to put the ugly varmint down before that "other, unfortunate creature" is you or me.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
4 to 6 hours Auto spawn after certain time after being killed.
Sacks of Nuts Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics Tomestones of Heliometry Cracked Novacluster Cracked Prismaticlusters
40 30 20 10 Chance of 1 Chance of 1
A Rank


  The Eshkeyaani Wilds are lousy with snakes. Getting bitten out there is just a part of life – or part of death, if it happens to come at the jaws of the silver–scaled Uktena. It isn't venomous, so far as we know. It's just enormous – swallowing unlucky travelers and their rroneek whole. Soon it'll be big enough to qualify as a full–fledged tural vidraal... unless we have anything to do with it.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
5 Seconds Auto spawn 5 seconds after previous kill.
Sacks of Nuts Gil
If this is your weekly mark.
If this is your weekly mark.
B Rank


As you journey across Shaaloani, you may be approached by those who'd have you slay wild nopalitenders and claim the prickly pears that grow upon them. It's a common source of coin for many a viper. If so, you'd do well to focus your attention on the single–headed kind. Their fruit's far more fragrant than that of their triple–crowned cousins and fetches a much higher price. Sure, the 𢾫uloso" variety has a price on each of their three heads, too, but that's because they're a gardener's worst nightmare: aggressive, destructive, and invasive little weeds. I'd stick to the fruit–picking if I were you.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
5 Seconds Auto spawn 5 seconds after previous kill.
Sacks of Nuts Gil
If this is your weekly mark.
If this is your weekly mark.
B Rank

Nopalitender Fabuloso
Nopalitender Fabuloso