Il Mheg
Tucked away in the mountains, this enchanted land was once home to the Kingdom of Voeburt. When men abandoned it following the Flood of Light, it instead became home to the fae folk, the playful and childlike pixies chief among them.
Elite Hunt Mark Spawn Locations Heat Map
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Forgiven Rebellion
Forgiven Gossip
O' Poorest Pauldia
The Mudman

This is a curious mark. According to my sources, they hail from beyond Il Mheg's borders, and may well roam all across Norvrandt. It's a mean bastard, even for a wandering eater. We've received reports of it actively seeking out veteran hunters, as if it craves the thrill of the fight. Which isn't to say that it fights fair. Sadly, several of our top Nutters have been ambushed while returning home from a successful hunt, which has led some to wonder if it commands lesser minions to guide it to promising prey. As for who it was before it turned?some say it was an elven soldier who led others in open revolt against the rulers of Lakeland before the Flood, all at the behest of the mysterious Shadowkeeper, and that like the Virtues, its unusual hunting habits are rooted in its past life...
![]() SS Rank
Forgiven Rebellion
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Aglaope's tale is quite old?a popular parable of the Voeburtites. It's about a tiny pixie of surpassing beauty that loved to bask in the midday sun, whose voice was as the tinkling of bells...and another pixie that envied them so. Said pixie wanted nothing more than to transform themselves into the spitting image of the object of their admiration, and so they used their magicks again and again and again to refine their own appearance, until eventually, they had achieved the impossible. If the story ended here I suppose it wouldn't be so bad, but it doesn't. For you see, when the glamoured pixie's 'friends' saw what they'd done to themselves, they erupted into uncontrollable laughter. They mocked the pixie terribly, calling them ugly and terrifying beyond belief. Thus was the pixie Aglaope instilled with a terrible hatred and envy for all things small and beautiful, and ever after did they roam the land in search of little wonders to destroy with impunity.
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About a year ago it was when a party of scavengers ventured into ruins of old Voebert and discovered a hidden passage that led deep underground to a secret gaol, and in one of its cells found a horrible beast bound in chains. A name had been carved into a sign: Pauldia. The same name as the younger princess. Nearer to the fiend, writ in blood on the walls, was a message... Blinded by my lust for the throne, I heeded a traitor's honeyed words. I was a pawn in his grand design and paid the price. I beg only for the selfsame mercy my sister received...
![]() A Rank
O' Poorest Pauldia
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So the pixies are no strangers to mischief. Their penchant for transforming lost travelers and trespassers into leafmen is known by all. Well, one day, this particular pixie decides to try and work their fae magicks on a particular leafman to try and make something new, and the result? The mudman, a heretofore unseen abomination, is born. Why mud? No idea. I'm told the victim was originally a portly Mystel woman?not that you could tell by the look of it now. Still, that crimson pixie that frequents the Crystarium has been known to embellish their stories from time to time...
![]() A Rank
The Mudman
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Oh, that's a sad tale, it is. There was this pixie who couldn't bear to be without company, you see, and so it used its magicks to fashion a constant companion?Domovoi. It was a construct loyal as they come, bound to serve its master forever and ever and ever...until the little pixie crossed paths with a sin eater. No one knows how long it's been since Domovoi was deprived of its master and meaning, but it still wanders Il Mheg, searching in vain for the one who gave it life.
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Never heard of Vulpangue? Tales of its exploits were recorded in the annals of the Kingdom of Voeburt. Their naturalists described it as a serpent of unusual size that was rather docile that subsisted on a diet of bugs and butterflies... But do not be deceived, for the creature fellow Nutters observed was anything but docile! Nay, it was both swift and ruthless when it spied a poor pixie out on a midday stroll and snatched it out of the air, swallowing it with a single gulp! One of the fae folk, brimming with all kinds of powerful magicks, gobbled up in a flash! No common beast could do that, could they? Could they!?
![]() B Rank
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