Amh Araeng

It was on the edges of this vast desert, occupying the southern expanse of Norvrandt, that the Flood of Light was halted. Inhospitable from the beginning, it now lies on the threshold of life and all-consuming radiance.

Elite Hunt Mark Spawn Locations Heat Map

SS RankSS MinionsS Rank A RankA RankB RankB Rank
Forgiven Rebellion
Forgiven Gossip
Worm of the Well
Juggler Hecatomb
mapbackground amh_araeng Forgiven Rebellion All Locations

  This is a curious mark. According to my sources, they hail from beyond Il Mheg's borders, and may well roam all across Norvrandt. It's a mean bastard, even for a wandering eater. We've received reports of it actively seeking out veteran hunters, as if it craves the thrill of the fight. Which isn't to say that it fights fair. Sadly, several of our top Nutters have been ambushed while returning home from a successful hunt, which has led some to wonder if it commands lesser minions to guide it to promising prey. As for who it was before it turned?some say it was an elven soldier who led others in open revolt against the rulers of Lakeland before the Flood, all at the behest of the mysterious Shadowkeeper, and that like the Virtues, its unusual hunting habits are rooted in its past life...
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
Immediately after killing the zone S rank and B rank minions After killing the S rank in the zone, Sin eaters called Forgiven Gossip spawn at various predetermined locations marked above with the black FFXIV circles. Find all 4 of them and kill them before they de-spawn.
Sacks of Nuts Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics Cracked Plaincluster Cracked Stellacluster
400 200 50 1 1
SS Rank

Forgiven Rebellion

  Tarchia is a saichaniae that plays host to parasitic vegetation that feeds off its host's aether. Poor bugger, eh? It's awfully difficult to track down, but it is said to be somewhat, er...excitable in the presence of death. I reckon it's anticipating the impending release of aether. Like if someone were to wave a freshly cooked haunch of mole meat under your nose. That said, not all deaths are created equal. The flashier the better, if that makes any sort of sense? Distance is key too, I'd imagine. No point in putting on a show if the host is nowhere nearby. Maybe something explosively loud, too? I don't know, you'll probably think of something if you put your mind to it.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
After Previous Kill: 84-132 hours
After maintenance: 50-80 hours
As a blue mage, cast Self-Distruct on yourself at spawn points.
Sacks of Nuts Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics Cracked Plaincluster Cracked Stellacluster
100 100 30 1 1
S Rank


  Here's a language lesson for you: Malik means 'king' or some such in the old tongue, so take a wild guess what Maliktender means. That's right. You'll know him when you seem him. Picture a gigantender, then picture his ornery liege lord. And there you have it. Some scholars say that the damned things can live more than two hundred years in the right conditions, which means this bugger could have been shambling about since before the Flood, for all we know...
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
4 to 6 hours Auto spawn after certain time after being killed.
Sacks of Nuts Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics Cracked Plaincluster Cracked Stellacluster
40 30 10 Chance of 1 Chance of 1
A Rank


  People often focus on the material losses, but the Flood is also responsible for depriving us of wisdom and knowledge?and no few religious traditions. Without people to pass them down to, faiths wither and die. But some survived, and with them stories, like that of the demon Sugaar. It's a simple tale, to be fair. 'Listen to what your elders say, or Sugaar will come and spirit you away.' It helped too that it was a big, scary lizard. So when a particularly large sibilus was seen wandering Amh Araeng, it's no surprise that people thought to name it for the legend. Nevertheless, it's probably prudent not to ignore the wisdom of the aged, eh?
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
4 to 6 hours Auto spawn after certain time after being killed.
Sacks of Nuts Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics Cracked Plaincluster Cracked Stellacluster
40 30 10 Chance of 1 Chance of 1
A Rank


  Story goes that there was this fellow way back when. Bloody obsessed with all things fishing and with a penchant for strange ideas. Heads to Malikah's Well one day to take the air and to try something new. He'd caught a small but lively little worm swimming about in the sand, and reckoned it'd make for fine bait. Goes to stick the hook in, when what does the little bugger do but jump right out of his hands and escape. Fair bit of time passes before the notorious worm makes its first appearance. Just how it got so big is anyone's guess, but some speculate that it was that same worm, grown fat and strong off all kinds of fish in the well, hence the moniker.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
5 seconds. Auto spawn 5 seconds after previous kill.
Sacks of Nuts Gil
If this is your weekly mark.
If this is your weekly mark.
B Rank

Worm of the Well

This all dates back to when Nuvy's Leavings was still bustling with activity. The tunnels were dark?as tunnels generally are?and children kept stirring up trouble with rumors that they'd been seeing ghosts. Ghosts of miners who died in a cave-in after digging too deep, or poor put-upon laborers tasked with hauling materials back for potters?all kinds of silly stories and then some. Recently, however, this musty old tome came to light. Belonged to a mage of Nabaath Areng, who kept detailed records of his experiments. Apparently he decided to condemn one such 'experiment' to a particularly deep tunnel, right around the time the whispers of ghosts first started. So that there's your logical explanation, if you're looking for it. A misshapen fiend that shouldn't be has been stirring up trouble for years and years. Or it's been killing folks for years and years, and ghosts are real. You tell me.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
5 seconds Auto spawn 5 seconds after previous kill.
Sacks of Nuts Gil
If this is your weekly mark.
If this is your weekly mark.
B Rank

Juggler Hecatomb