The Dravanian Hinterlands

The Dravanian hinterlands sit in the westernmost reaches of Abalathia's Spine, blessed with relatively lush vegetation due to waters carried through the area by the mighty Thaliak River. The region attained some fame as the seat of Sharlayan's colony, but this has faded in the fifteen years since the exodus. The settlement itself now largely stands unoccupied, a remnant of a lost time slowly being reclaimed by the land.

Elite Hunt Mark Spawn Locations Heat Map

S RankA RankA RankB RankB Rank
The Pale Rider
Slipkinx Steeljoints
False Gigantopithecus
mapbackground the_dravanian_hinterlands All Locations

  Another request sent by a Sharlayan scholar from the safety of his homeland. The fellow's uncovered an ancient prophecy, saying that in the end of days, a deathly knight will rise from the grave and bring death and destruction to Dravania atop an ashen steed. If the scholar is right, and this "end of days" does indeed refer to the Seventh Umbral Calamity, then this supernatural horseman should already be among us, but I don't see any death and destruction around here. Well, no more than normal, anyway... Honestly, I think it's all a pile of chocobo plop. There was an adventurer passed through here the other day, said she'd seen a headless horseman out in the hinterlands when she was hunting for treasure...but believe you me, you can trust those looters as far as you can throw them!
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
After Previous Kill: 84-132 hours
After maintenance: 50-80 hours
Once the spawn window has opened this S rank has a chance to spawn when a Treasure Coffer is opened from a Level 60 Timeworn Wyvernskin Map.
Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics
100 100 30
S Rank

The Pale Rider

  Have you heard of the Illuminati? They're a secretive fraternity of goblin scholars who are particularly active in this area, engaging in experiments that run the gamut from the unusual to the downright unnatural. Slipkinx Steeljoints's studies fall towards the latter end of the spectrum. He's a notorious scoundrel who thinks nothing of slaughtering innocents to test the effectiveness of his experimental weaponry. The brute dresses himself in a suit of mechanical armor that is nigh on impenetrable, and sets about passersby with technologically enhanced gusto. Honestly, these scholars are completely incorrigible.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
4 to 6 hours. Automatically spawns after certain time after being killed.
Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics
40 30 10
A Rank

Slipkinx Steeljoints

  You'll never guess who put the bounty on Stolas's head?it was sent by a Sharlayan astrologian, all the way from his homeland across the seas. He lived here before the exodus, conducting his scholarly experiments. In one such trial, he used his magicks to bind an owl to him as a familiar. The test succeeded, but by some quirk of fate, the owl gained a prodigious intelligence, outstripping even that of its master. But when the exodus came, the owl revolted. It attacked its master, stole a tome of forbidden knowledge, and escaped into the hinterlands. It seems the tome contains secrets of such cataclysmic power that, for the safety of the realm, this owl cannot be suffered to live.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
4 to 6 hours. Automatically spawns after certain time after being killed.
Tomestone of Poetics Tomestones of Aesthetics
40 30 10
A Rank


  The Thaliak River is a shining symbol of the Dravanian hinterlands?the great mother who blesses the land with the gift of water. But where the gentle and generous mother brings life, the cruel and merciless father?an oversized crustacean who rules over the Thaliak with an iron claw?brings only death. The great glutton will pounce on anything that moves, and chop up his prey with his tail pincers faster than you can say “ouch.” If you don't keep an eye on that tail of his, you'll be feeding the fishes in bite-sized chunks.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
5 seconds. Automatically spawns after certain time after being killed.
If this is your weekly mark.
If this is your weekly mark.
B Rank


Time and again, the residents of Idyllshire have come under attack from a huge, hairy beastkin?imagine if you crossed a Roegadyn with an opo-opo, and had it row a ten-tonze galley for a twelvemoon. I scoured the Sharlayan annals for a record of such a monster, and finally found it?it's a gigantopithecus, a fierce beast discovered on the tropical jungles of the Cieldalaes. It was brought here as a youngling by a Sharlayan scholar, who raised it in a specially constructed glasshouse in some vain attempt to research its ecology. But when the exodus came, the callow whelp didn't think of taking his pet with him. Now it falls to the Clan to pick up the pieces.
Spawn Window Spawn Trigger
5 seconds. Automatically spawns after certain time after being killed.
If this is your weekly mark.
If this is your weekly mark.
B Rank

False Gigantopithecus